Resultados de búsqueda

  1. inhalco

    Should I trim any fan leaves?

    I had 3 outta four. That are budding and survived the hurricane season. I took peoples advice and checked my watering and added some perlite and changed out my soul to an organic from miracle grow. How do they look? Any advice is welcome. Should I trim any fan leaves? Thanks for all y’all’s...
  2. inhalco

    how to use glass blunt

    Step 1 Take off the silicone cap, fill the greens into the quart straw. Put the silicone cap back on and adjust the screw caps to higher lever to conpress the greens. Step 2 Take off the cap again, start to use. Adjust the screw caps to drop the used greens out of the quartz tube. Step3 After...
  3. inhalco

    Can I use a dishwasher to clean a ailicone bong?

    Deep bongs will still have residue in the bottom where the water jets can’t reach. The best way to clean a bong is using the same type brushes used to clean laboratory glass and test tubes . they’re fairly cheap and do a good job. use a little grease cutting detergent and rinse thoroughly.
  4. inhalco

    ¿Cuánto puedo fumar sin sufrir algunos posibles efectos a largo plazo

    ¿Cuánto puedo fumar sin sufrir algunos posibles efectos a largo plazo (o al menos no muy notorios)? Normalmente fumo un porro de tamaño medio los viernes y sábados y luego uno los días laborables (normalmente medio porro los martes y la otra mitad los miércoles). ¿Es eso demasiado?