Marihuana en la escuela


13 Mayo 2016
El distrito escolar D49 de Colorado (EE.UU.) aprueba por unanimidad de su consejo administrador el uso de marihuana medicinal en las instalaciones de los colegios

D-49 approves use of medical marijuana on campuses
By: Debbie Kelley
May 12, 2016 Updated: Today at 9:50 pm

Falcon School District 49 is the first, and others are likely to follow.

With the board of education's unanimous approval of a new policy Thursday night, D-49 has become the first of 178 public school districts in the state to allow students to use medical marijuana on school property.

District 49 BOE Approves Colorado’s First School Cannabinoid Policy
The District 49 Board of Education approved May 12 the first school district policy in Colorado to allow the therapeutic administration of cannabinoid products on school property.

BOE Policy JLCDB, Compassionate Administration of Therapeutic Cannabinoid Products on District Property, is the first school or school district policy in Colorado to permit cannabinoid products, according to Colorado Association of School Boards.

The policy, known as “Jaxs’ policy,” was approved unanimously, 5-0, as part of a regularly scheduled monthly meeting.

Sand Creek High School 11th-grader Jackson “Jaxs” Stormes, 16, was suspended in May 2015 for carrying cannabis oil to school as a seizure treatment. Jaxs suffers from Dravet Syndrome, a rare and catastrophic form form of intractable epilepsy, as well as Juvenile Parkinson’s Disease.
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