La locura de los loqueros


19 Febrero 2003
From: "erik_johnson_96140" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 20:14:34 -0000
Subject: [CF Alliance] The Problem with Advocacy: Psychiatric

The problem with simply advocating for funding into research for
CFS/ME is that successful lobbying simply pours more money into the
coffers of the Psycho-Terrorists.
The diversion of funding into the "cause of Gulf War Illness"
to "researchers" who were attempting to prove that GWI is PTSD is a
terrific example of good funding gone to bad people.

As long as the Psycho-Terrorists are in power, they will use any
funding to shore up their assertions that CFS is a mental illness.

From the OneClick Group;
From Kai Seay

"Psychiatric Totalitarianism"
By Fred Foldvary - December 13, 2004

An effective way for government to control its subjects is to be able
to declare anyone insane on the say-so of a government doctor, and
then have the power to kill, imprison, or drug the subject. That was
a common practice in the old Soviet Union, and it is already being
done on a small scale in the USA. But now legislation passed by
Congress is leading the way to implement this on a grand scale,
enabling the US government to have psychiatric totalitarian control
over all residents.

This is what eventually comes from the belief that constitutions do
not matter. Many conservatives, liberals, progressives, socialists,
radicals, reactionaries, and populists don't believe in having a
constitution, because it gets in the way of the policies they favor.
Now the US Constitution is disrespected by everyone except a few
libertarians and geoists, so anything goes, including psychiatric

According to a commentary by Jarret Wollstein on "Universal Forced
Mental Health Tests," legislation is already pending in Congress to
eventually require every person in the USA to submit to psychological
screens for mental health. Those who test as psychologically
deficient will be forced to take corrective drugs.

Perhaps if you believe that human beings are individually sovereign
or that land is the birthright of humanity, you will be considered
psychologically challenged, and will be given drug therapy.
Eccentrics and unconventional thinkers beware! We will still
be 'free' to speak and travel, but only so long as we do not do or
say anything that the government considers unhealthy. After all,
terrorists must be mentally unhealthy, so why not screen everyone for
mental health?

On Nov. 23, 2004, Dave Eberhart reported in that Congress
has already approved some of the funds that the administration sought
to implement universal mental health screening for 60 million
American children, pregnant women, and others, through schools and
pre-schools. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
(AAPS) has decried this legislation, which they say will lead to
mandatory psychological testing of every child in America, without
parental consent.

What is the Constitutional authority for such sweeping intrusion into
schools and families? There is none, but the U.S. government provides
grants to schools to be used for such testing, and by dangling money
before their eyes, the federal government gets state and local
officials to do what the federal chiefs want.

President Bush in 2002 by executive order created the New Freedom
Commission on Mental Health.. The excuse was to eliminate
inequalities for Americans with mental disabilities. What is the US
Constitutional authority for such a commission? None. Why should the
federal government be concerned about the alleged mental health
of 'free' citizens? No reason, other than to pave the way towards
totalitarian control.

A side effect of some anti-depressant drugs is a seeking to commit
suicide. With mandatory psychological screening, unconventional
parents may have their children taken away from then on the charge
that they provide a mentally unhealthy environment. The children may
end up dragged to foster homes, drugged to mental incapacity, cut off
from their family and heritage, or dead from suicide or drugs.

The psychiatric coercion of children is already a reality in the US.
Some 4 million children are being forced to ingest the drug Ritalin.
Parents who object are threatened with prison. Representative Ron
Paul of Texas warns that the "mental health" program will be expanded
to forcibly include every resident. One of the very few in Congress
that believes in Constitutional government, Ron Paul, a doctor, has
written on The Therapeutic Nanny State. Paul introduced an amendment
to stop the funding for the mental health program, but it got voted

Ron Paul in Truth News says that the allegation that "we have a
nation of children with undiagnosed mental disorders crying out for
treatment" is 'patently false. Paul points out that children's brains
continue developing, and drugs could have very harmful long-term

How did Americans come to the point where the federal government can
impose a "mental health" standard and take control of the country's
children when it is violated? It is for the same reason that the
president may go to war whenever he wants to. We no longer have an
effective constitution. We no longer have effective liberty. We no
longer have effective democracy. Oh, yes, you can walk down the
street to your local cafe, but watch what you say, how you dress,
what you eat, and what you say to your kids.

This article first appeared in the Progress Report,

Dr. Fred Foldvary teaches economics at Santa Clara University and is
the author of several books: The Soul of Liberty, Public Goods and
Private Communities, and the Dictionary of Free-Market Economics.
This information is available on THE ONE CLICK GROUP website


Claudio Acuña


8 Noviembre 2003
Noo!! volvio el boludo este.


29 Diciembre 2004
el tema es que la persona que tendria que explicar lo que es, seria la que armo el thread, nosotros no podemos cuestionarnos esto, es de poca seriedad, imanginense que se postee un articulo en frances por ejemplo y no se aclare nada, que se pretende? que lo entiendan algunos? o para romper las bolas? no estamos en arg?
la verdad que prefiero el regreso de andy chango !!


3 Diciembre 2002
no pibes, aprendan un poco y dense cuenta ke no hay ke responder los mensajes de claudioacuña, por favor, media neurona...